Miles Jacobs

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since Feb 27, 2016
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Devin this is something that fascinates me.  Nomadic culture (hunting, herding, roaming) is the oldest human culture.  With modern inventions like solar panels it would be possible to make the nomad culture a very pleasant existence.  

Huge advantage of nomad culture is that they don't have to buy land.  So they avoid bond payments and rent.  When they have their own animals to ride (like they have dignity.  Camel nomads actually don't even need food because they can drink the milk of their camels.  So they avoid another expense that the rest of us suffer from.  With goats they can make cheese to sell, which gives them money for the few extras they need to buy.  I know Australian aborigines have adopted wild Australian camels for transport (

The RV culture in America are real nomads, but they need to spend money on fuel.  If they used horses, mules, donkeys or camels they would avoid the cost of fuel, for real independence.  3mules comments that his mules eat "very well" on the road.  If the hobos added the same animals they could also enter a lifestyle with diginity.  Solar panels then provide electricity and enable them to use mobile phones, Internet and GPS.

The hobos seem to have it so good that they are not forced to add animals.  But it is nice when they do.  

Do the squatter punks have some sort of website where they communicate?  It would be fascinating to know if they used animals for free transport.
7 years ago
Real nomads in places like Mongolia and North Africa tend to have camels, donkeys and goats. These animals can all survive on poor grazing, and they don't need any feeding.  They supply the nomads with milk and (occasionally) meat.   There was a goat man (  who toured America in a goat cart,  living off the goat milk and whatever else he could forage.  So it is actually possible for the homeless to become nomads, but they have to get these animals.  Then they have shelter (tents), food and transport at zero cost.  Exactly like the real nomads in Mongolia and Africa.  Another example is 3 Mules:
7 years ago
The seven species of Israel were olives, pomegranates, figs, dates, grapes, wheat and barley. They should all do well in your guild.
8 years ago