Reid Dodson

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since Mar 02, 2016
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Recent posts by Reid Dodson

I found that the local honey company sells empty 55 gallon metal drums for a few dollars a piece. I order all my feed in 50# bags and keep it in the drums.
As far as how much feed to buy, it will be vary depending on breeds, location and your setup but for reference my 50 meat birds at the end of there cycle were eating almost 15# a day while living in a chicken tractor.
8 years ago
Ok. this is along the lines of what I was thinking. I just wasn't sure if I was missing something.
thanks for the advise.
8 years ago
we just got pigs for the first time, and I noticed that a few of the pigs of hog rings on either side of there nose. I have no interest in controlling my animals natural instincts, so I would like to remove the rings.
The pigs are about 60 pounds right now, not to pig to handle. Can I just take a pair of cutters and snip the ring in the middle?
8 years ago