Susan Young wrote:
E Gottesman wrote:Beans beans the musical fruit we love beans. I mostly grow green beans. Kids love them raw more than cooked. Dry beans are fun for using as rockson a kids construction site! Lol I first introduced beans to my kids with a 2 lb bag of pinto beans from Walmart. They didn't eat them but used their toy loaders and dump trucks to push them all over the living room. From there they fed them to the fish. Only then did they decide that beans were good to eat. They are 3 and 2. We took some and planted them. I want to know more because beans are a staple in our diet.
I must add a word of warning.
Oops I meant they eat the green beans raw. They have tried the dry ones but end up spitting them out.
You say that 'kids love them raw more than cooked' - but beans, either green or when they are shelled - contain a toxin, lectin, which is destroyed when they are cooked. Of all vegetables, beans are the one that is not good for us to eat raw. The toxin is a common cause of food poisoning. Kidney beans contain the most - cannellini beans also contain quite a lot, but all beans contain some.