Gary Nelson

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since Mar 23, 2016
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I am wanting to start raising a calf each year for meat. I don't want to fence my entire property, so I have decided to use electric fencing. I would like to build some sort of pen and shelter where it could stay for several days in case I need to run out of town for a weekend and to be put up in at night.

Has anyone ever done this? Pictures? Advice?

2 years ago
The chicken droppings are mixed with a variety of plant matter.  During winter, I add leaves to the coop.  Spring-Fall, grass clippings are added.  Most of the floor looks like dark rich compost.  This spot is also uncovered and open to the elements.  The only place that doesn't is directly under their roosting bar which has a roof over it and doesn't get much water.
5 years ago
Hey Y'all,

I keep my chickens in a 10 x 20 dog kennel style chicken coop over the winter to collect their litter to use in the garden.  They free range spring-fall.  Can I clean out all the litter/compost and put it straight into the garden or do I need to let it sit for 6 plus months?
5 years ago