Sandra Bodinger

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since Mar 30, 2016
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Recent posts by Sandra Bodinger

Tobias: sounds like a great idea about doing the worm-casting straight in the soil bag. i think i will try some other seeds to see if i can succeed with something else. We do have a quite warm apartment, so that maybe affects too.

Katy: I will definetly try soaking for a shorter time to see if there is a difference. thanks!

R Scott: ive only rinsed it with tap water before putting them for soaking. But cleaning with a vinegar solution is absolutely worth a shot.
8 years ago

Tobias Ber wrote:hey sandra ...

welcome to the forums.

perhaps you should try other seeds. i use "normal" wheat which is not special sprouting seed. and it works well.

in trays i got mold all the time. no i do deeper containers. like the ones for balcony flowers. i sprout them in a jar, like you do. but i cover them with maybe half and inch of soil. adding lots of sand to the cover will help. i try to keep the surface dry. i water at the sides of the container, where water will soak deeply into the soil. sometimes i poke holes for drainage. i want the roots to have water but the surface to be somehwat dry.

i also have earthworms in the containers. they probably eat some stuff that is starting to rot.

in these containers i can go for 2-3 cuttings of grass. i also do barley grass, which i like more than wheat grass. i also do peas and sunflowers.

good luck and blessings

Thank you for your input =)
Very interesting stuff! Some questions arises since im quite new to this.
How deep is the soil in your containers?
How exactly do you water when you do it from the sides?
Do you have your own compost where you then put the soil with roots and worms and all when the batch is done? I would feel bad for the worms if i just threw them away.
and then for the next batch, you just take "new" worm and put in the container or how do you do it?

8 years ago

Im new to microgreens and have tried a couple trays, but i keep failing. My first problem is that not all seeds are sprouting, which causes my second problem, which is that the ones that are not sprouting, start to mold, which destroys the whole crop -.- . Im starting to get discuraged, i really want this to work!
I have wheat seeds that are specially for sprouting ( i wanted to make wheatgrass), but the sprouting rate is about 50/50 and then there is that one black sheep that decides to start to rot. *sigh*

This is how ive done it:
Soak for 8-12h
Rinse and sprout in glas jar with thin fabric up side down in 45° angle so that excess water can go out.
Rinse the seeds for about 1,5 days until sprouting has started (there are quite many though that has not moved at all at this point
And then put them on soil with plastic cover that has holes in it and that i can open on the sides in it seems to humid in there.''
water in the morning, misting in the evening
and boom on day 4 while the sprouted ones looks healthy, there is one unsprouted seed that has started to mold.

I would think that either the seeds are bad, or there is bad air circulation... or both.
What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance <3
8 years ago