Bonnie Greenbud

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since Apr 13, 2016
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Recent posts by Bonnie Greenbud

I put in butcher block counters throughout my kitchen and love Love LOVE them. The only other countertop I would have is stainless steel like they have in commercial kitchens. If it's good enough for the pros, it's good enough for me. Trendy stone countertops...nope.
7 years ago
Are birds or rodents causing damage? Don't see problems where there aren't any. Those birds and rodents may be controlling insect pests. Feral cats go where the prey is. If you have enough to be trouble, the cats will come.
7 years ago
I use a heat lamp bulb inside 2 cinder blocks. Lay the blocks on their side. Place bulb in one of the holes. I used some sheet tin bar signs bent to go around the outside to cover the holes. Those are held in place with tent stakes drove half way down. Vuala! You got drinkable water in zero degree weather. I set a 1 or 3 gallon waterer on it and have no problem. If they have the room, the girls will take turns standing on the edge to warm their feet on especially cold days.
8 years ago
My grandkids raised the chicks, then gave them to me about a month before they started laying. Best of both worlds, huh? Find a 4H near you. See if you can sponsor someone to raise the chicks as a project. Then you get them when they are close to laying age. Could be a Win Win.
8 years ago
Bacon grease
onions- dices
liver- cubed
red wine
parsley- finely chopped
plain yogurt
sour cream

Saute onions in bacon grease till translucent. Add liver and quickly sear. Cover with red wine and simmer till reduced by half. Add large handful parsley (don't be stingy here) and 50/50 mix of plain yogurt / sour cream. All yogurt makes sauce thin, all sour cream is too heavy for my taste. Serve over noodles or rice.
8 years ago
Neti pot and Alkalol. Works for me. It flush the allergens out and shrinks the swelling in your sinus cavity. Alkalol can be hard to find. Check the website for locations and more info.
8 years ago