Tessa van Niekerk

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since Aug 20, 2016
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Rustenburg, South Africa
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Recent posts by Tessa van Niekerk

The framed PDC certificate on my wall says otherwise, but I am still pretty much a novice when it comes to all things Permaculture. On the other hand, that's the goal of these forums, isn't it? To never stop learning.

I don't have a journal. Of any sort. Yet. However, I am seriously considering purchasing a Dot-grid notebook that can be solely used to record the goings-on in my balcony garden as soon as the new growing season kicks off in August (here in the Southern Hemisphere). The dots make it versatile, for both sketching and writing.

And suddenly I can see how the notebook can also help me with the "observation" part of Permaculture. Maybe I shall buy that notebook sooner!

I plan to NaNoWriMo this year. Have started a few times before, but have a serious reason to finish (and publish) in 2018. (I need to prove that I can make an income from something other than "that Permaculture nonsense".)

What I would love to do, is to write or collaborate on a Permaculture guide for South Africans, as most existing information seems to be either American or Australian and the trees that they consider perfect for planting are either invasive species here, or simply don't do well in our dry, hot climate.
6 years ago