Hello all. I need some focus. Forgive the lengthy post, but I will appreciate any advice offered.
I have read hundreds of posts, articles, websites, and I just want to plant some things immediately, but the sheer volume of information is overwhelming. I understand the overall concepts of guilds, food forests, etc., and I am fully on board, but I have obstacles.
I am RENTING a property in southwestern Mississippi about 40 miles from the coast. I have only been here two months. I have the permission of the owner to install garden beds, and will be building several raised boxes, but I want to also leave it better than I found it when I move in a couple years.
The property is about an acre. The back yard is about two thirds of that. It is all lawn, with a few trees scattered around, but the bulk is open grass. The rear property line is about ten feet inside a forest that goes several miles. The wood line is overgrown vines and small brush that I have not identified.
Soil: I installed one 4x8 bed over a bare spot. I tilled about a foot deep with a shovel before adding my actual bedding fill on top of it. The soil is very sandy. It is white about a half inch, black about six inches, then turns reddish another six. I can shape it into a ball, but it is still crumbly and dries fast. In super heavy rain, the whole yard pools a quarter inch or so, then drains in less than an hour. I have not determined anything else about water movement.
My basic idea is to start at the edge of the existing forest. Maybe clear some brush and replace it. Clear the existing companions around a tree or two and put in edibles. I want it to last after I leave, but I would like to see some benefit this year. I want to use this to learn hands on.
I need suggestions on what to plant. There is just too much information out there, and researching/obtaining some of the plants on various lists is a whole separate project. I will keep researching, but I am hoping for quick wins. If anyone knows the area/soil I am describing, your input will be most appreciated.
I added a satellite view for orientation reference.