Christopher James

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since Sep 22, 2016
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I am a simple vet who lives in Minneapolis MN with a great Husband and step son.  I am turning our small place and lot into a micro urban farm. 
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Recent posts by Christopher James

Great idea.  Thanks!
8 years ago
This is Why I love this site.  Thanks for all the great information.  So much to think about.  Everyone is so frackin AWSOME!
8 years ago
I am going to be planting dwarf honeycrips this coming year and want to know how far apart they should be.  Thanks for the help
8 years ago
I have a question about the effect of RMH on home owners insurance.  Has anyone had an issue with getting or keeping insurance after they installed a RMH.  I am thinking about installing one in our garage so I can convert the garage into a year-round workshop.  Thanks inadvance!
8 years ago
Thank you zo much for this info.  It is a lot of food for thought.
8 years ago
Hey all!
We are going to start doing the urban chicken thing in the spring.  We are wondering if it would be better to start our flock from chicks or if we should get a few "rescue" hens for people who do not want them anymore.  I know that with the chicks I will be able to have more control over how and on what they are raised but is there some advantage to getting hens that are already established?  
Thanks in Advance!
Chris AKA MNBear
8 years ago
Thanks for the Ideas!  I will look into those ducks!
8 years ago
Thank you so much for this info
8 years ago
My EDC blade is a simple folding blade knife that I picked up for about $10.  I used to carry a few nice SOGs or Cold Steal but I have a tendency to loose stuff by setting it down in the middle of something the forget where I put stuff.  I too used to carry a multi-tool but after "donating" a few of them to TSA I decided to stop.  
I fall into the idea that if it feels good in the hand and you are going to use  it then it is a good blade.  Dont get to caught up in brands because a well loved pocket knife is going to get abused in ways that will make a knife maker cry. I know I have used mine as everything from a screwdriver to a prybar to a jumper for an electrical circuit. (Oh and I have cut a thing from time to time too.)
8 years ago
Great info.  Thanks so much!
8 years ago