Lenore Ogbor

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since Oct 08, 2016
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Recent posts by Lenore Ogbor

I have had a starter for 20+ years. I didn’t start it myself, I was gifted a half cup. I’ve shared with several people so for years if one of ours failed there was always a back up.  Now it’s down to two of us and we both travel a lot so we pass it back and forth to be fed.  The thing about this starter is that it is fed with potato flakes. And it doesn’t hold its shape, it needs to be baked in a loaf pan or smaller cast iron.  It doesn’t crust up or get the big holes in the baked bread like “traditional” sour dough.
I’ve been wanting to start my own and will use your tutorial for sure. Super interesting just reading through these last few days
1 year ago
I threw a bunch of honey dew melon seeds on top of my pile and they ALL sprouted. I just thinned them out and I’m wondering if I can eat these little seedling greens.  I know sprouted melon seeds are edible, but these seedlings already have their first true leaves.  Can I eat them?
1 year ago
@peter Ellis

What do you mean by “flame them”. Starts fire right on the grass. And you mention a weed burner - is that a tool or a product ?
What do we think about using old tire to plant in? Does anyone do it? For food or ornamentals?
I say, don’t overthink it.  I’d have no idea what to wear to church.  Or the office.

I’d say something that fits you well, it’s clean - no dirt stains or oil (ha ha), you feel good, slightly sexy.
Shoes are the hardest part.  I know I should have some nice shoes for occasions, but mine are always a mess and I don’t want to buy shoes just for an occasion.

3 years ago
I’m in Quintana Roo, México.  It’s hot here.  Traditionally people lived in wooded structures with palm roofs. They still exist but  these  days, many people build with cinder block and pour concrete roofs.  These structures are hot. I’ve seen styrofoam used as a layer below the cement to keep the structure cooler.  This is usually done with purchased styrofoam blocks - but I reckon scraps could be used in some  way for insulation against heat (insulation?)
3 years ago
I’m in the Yucatán, Mexico.  There’s a lot of chili eating here.  When some gets in the eye, the Maya pull a hair from their head and swipe the eye with it.  I’ve witnessed this but haven’t had to try it myself.  Again, I think it’s the oil.
4 years ago

I used to play this all the time with young students with reading struggles
4 years ago

Bonnie Kuhlman wrote:I have been reducing my plastic use for many years.  I reuse glass bottles for water bottles; I use my own reusable market bags; I store leftovers in glass baking dishes, but even these have plastic lids.  The things I find difficult are the groceries I purchase: sour cream comes in plastic; most yogurt come in plastic (I've found 1 brand in a jar); bread, tortillas, chips, crackers all come in plastic; most produce: berries, lettuce, carrots, etc. come in some form of plastic.  

Has anyone found solutions to these other than making your own?  

Thanks for posting this Destiny.  I'd really like to reduce my plastic even more.

When buying groceries you can at least bring back plastic bags to reuse for produce.   (Like berries)
You can make your shops more aware by leaving packaging in the store.  You have  to be quite charming to accomplish this.

6 years ago

Once the kickstarter is running, I will send each of you an email (using your permies.com email address) with the code.  So for now, please reply to this thread to express your interest and I will send you the code when the kickstarter is officially running.

Hi Paul,  
I contributed to the kickstarter in day 1 and I've shared on FB.  Yes,  I want in on a kickback.