Ben Borzym

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since Oct 08, 2016
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The top box is a manifold I suppose.  it's actually made out of cement board and i put particle board on the outside for rigidity.  

Once I get my final design I want to start new with permanent materials.  
8 years ago
Been a litte while since I been around.  I'm still testing out different ideas which has turned my heater into franckinstien.

The water heater works great but I still wanted to extract more heat which I was exhausting away.

So I setup up a mock double chimney.  The main exhaust 6", i then wrapped a 8" duct around it and rigged up a fan to pull air through the 8" around the 6" main exhaust.

Woah.  What a difference.  The air coming out is reaching 250 degrees at times.  

The main exhaust outside is finally not scolding hot which tells me I'm extracting that heat.  

No black smoke, all clean.

Here is my Frankenstein.
8 years ago
Well I don't quite have that figured out yet.   Right now the riser is 45" tall and terminates in the garage.  I was planning to route directly out a window located right next to it, but as you pointed out, I realized I'm wasting a ton of energy that way.  

Last night when I tested it I was venting in the garage with the overhead door open and a 1050cfm fan running but the heat dumping out was averaging 575F.

So I went out and bought 10' of more venting i plan on configuring to see if I can plumb it to extract some of that heat before it goes out the window.
8 years ago
At that start where it begins off the fire box?   I won't ever really know because the concrete is so thick there.  I didn't get over 100 degrees last night.
8 years ago
how do you prevent the reverse flow during the night when the cabin is heated?  Do you cover a inlet?  Other wise the heater is doing the exact opposite by pull in the heated air and cooling it.

There is a method one can utilize that involves building something similar to a trap on a drain line the prevents back draft.  I incorporated on my solar heater, works great and is maintenance free.  No opening or closing or blocking inlets/exhaust.

I dont know if my sketch makes sense.  I can explain it better if interested.

Whats better then a screen is a curved surface.  If you look in the drywall area at a home improvement store, you will see a rounded corner bead made out of thin steel.  Those are incredible for collectors.  My lil secret.
8 years ago
One full hour.  I'm calling it, hot enough.   It's a click shy of 180 f.
8 years ago
Burn is looking like it should.  
8 years ago
Top of the exposed riser.  

And then 8" down to the concrete mix housing the coil.
8 years ago
9 minutes later and another 10 degrees.  What's the ideal temp you think?
8 years ago
Still have lot of the forms on.  Not the prettiest thing but so far I'm happy.

I added another 2" of concrete around the riser.  Still have to pour the upper half.  
8 years ago