Hello everyone.
I have built a tiny home and living off grid and need help designing a cheap water recycling system that wont require much maintenance. I am looking at recycling my shower and sink water just for the purpose of showering and basic water needs. I will have potable water for drinking. I don't get a lot of rain where I'm from but will incorporate it into the system. I'm looking at setting up a system that doesn't break the bank. Please check out my diagram and give me any feedback please. I have been researching a little bit and found that ultra-violet light kills bacteria. Do I need a light on each of my holding tanks, and if so should they be on all the time or could they be on a timer? Should the lights be a certain wattage or would any light work? I was thinking of putting a chunk of charcoal in each tank as well. I was heard some floating plants will help, or possible a sand filter. I may be completely out to lunch so I thought I would get some feedback on this design.
Thanks in advance.