First of all, Paul, I could be that doctor, I'm so disgusted with everything having to do with our agricultural, medical, financial, legal, and political systems in the US I could spit. Actually, I intend to leave the country for good very shortly, but that's for another thread.
I'm curious, why is any of this of any importance to anyone? The chemicals that they have dumped everywhere, and continue to dump, are deadly, what more do you need to know. The world according to Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, et al, is so completely contaminated with so-called "empirical" BS that they have created that there is hardly a point in trying to sift through it. The difference between 100% and 1000% would be of no value except as propaganda, and that's not where our energies are best spent. Like the famous old racist, Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, "make your life your argument". Continue to share and try to educate at least one new person every day and eventually the worm turns, as it has been doing for the last 50 years or so.
One of my best friends was a big deal economist at the CDC, who ironically died from pancreatic cancer at the ripe old age of 55, and he is one of six friends who died before the median from that same previously unusual cancer that I know, along with all three of the "conventional" orchardists that I knew, along with half of their immediate families, of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and other blood-related cancers. We live in the middle of one of the most heavily agriculturally sprayed areas in the country, where cancer IS the predominant killer, but even the County level health authorities bulk at the idea of collecting and correlating any hard data on the scourge.
While transporting friends and neighbors to various health care facilities outside of our third world, here on the Delmarva Peninsula, I've heard tell in every cancer treatment provider in our region that they have become so familiar with these cancers from the shore that they have literally begun referring to them as "Farmer Cancer". The FAA, who issues the flight permits to the aerial applicators, before they get their meaningless State license (simply a revenue mechanism for the State, but no real regulation or attention is paid to anything that these asses do) refer to the pesticides collectively in their own code as "Economic Poisons". WTF else do you need to know?
This notion that we need to support common effing sense with empirical absolutisms that do not exist in order to somehow validate our reasoning is absurd! The focus should be to do whatever we can to force these chemical and drug manufacturers to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that anything and everything that they want to sell is 100% guaranteed NOT to cause any harm, but they cannot and will not do that, so they must be shut down, and that requires political change, not another status quo jackass interested in promoting their party's power while stuffing their pockets with both hands.
When the masters of the money can buy whatever political and judicial influence that they desire, is it any wonder that they find it so easy to take over the land grant universities and control every aspect of the academic bullshit that they produce. Real science is for all intents and purposes dead with regard to anything having to do with environmental or health impact of drugs and chemicals, or the entire energy sector, the military industrial complex, mining, and manufacturing in general. So what is the point of searching out the third type of lie?
As for the idea of trying to somehow qualify and quantify all of the innumerable variables affecting your desired statistics, and then trying to somehow accurately correlate those factors with some undefined period in the past, are you kidding me? What exactly is your ultimate point?
Life's too short. Go plant a tree and teach someone how to care for it - time better spent. Cognitive dissonance and the natural inertia of the apathetic are not going to be noticeably deflected in the least by a presentment of statistics, so the only people who might embrace the outcome will likely be the echo chamber that requires no convincing. As Mr. Sagan once said,
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
So we're better off setting a good example and offering to educate while the herd continues to thin as a result of their having fully embraced the bamboozle. Let Darwinism run its course and hopefully what survives will be worth your effort.
Chris Kott wrote:Whoa, there. 400% or 400 times?
Also, I agree with the idea that it's complicated. What has happened to the mortality rate in that time, and in childhood mortality? What has happened to reporting in that timeframe, vis a vis unexplained death or death by, what was at the time, unexplained issues?
I am not disagreeing with the idea that there could be more cancer today, nor with the idea that the unnecessary additions to our environment and food could be causing higher levels of cancer than previously experienced, but there are many variables that could change cancer rates, and it's important to be specific and thorough in order to determine what's what.
Could be causing higher levels of cancer?!
Here are some variables for ya; everything that you eat impacts your gut biome, which is your immune system, so how do you adjust for just the variety of diets? Once our DNA has mutated through successive generations of breeding the new mutations are now reflectant of a completely different species. We see it happen in just a matter of two or three generations of grazing animals, where those born of feedlot animals are never able to thrive anywhere near the degree to which their pure pasture reared cousins do, so how do you correlate that? Vegan, organic, fast food junkie... and what about the impotent diabetics who are more regularly going to continue to under-represent in terms of their subsequent progeny? A necrotic Willy does not an off-spring make, no matter how many little blue pills and pumps are involved. So just on that basis alone, we apples to the oranges that were our great great grandparents, so what's the point?
We're much, much better at killing brown and black and yellow skinned people than we used to be (although we had already managed a pretty thorough job of irradicating red), so how do we account for that? WWI was a man-made a tragedy, but it could be argued that so was the Spanish flu that partnered with it. War created the circumstances that promoted its growth and spread, but of course, war-time propaganda also makes it impossible to assess any real data since the governments involved couldn't afford for their populations to know the truth of just how many folks were dying. Had they realized that without firing a shot 5% of their numbers would perish, they might not have been as willing to be led off of that cliff. From there WWII was just a continuation of the first, but how could one possibly collect and correlate any kind of relevant data from the period when whole swaths of a single gender were wiped out in some cultures, and select ethnicities from others?
What does remain as incontrovertible truth is that we are sick and dying, of things that DO absolutely correlate directly to the endocrine-disrupting garbage that permeates every facet of our life and world, and more importantly, that where any peoples have been even moderately successful in creating a buffer between themselves and "modern" drugs, fossil fuels, and agriculture, they simply live longer and healthier lives. Do you really need to split hairs for a more well-defined truth? Common sense appears to completely abandoned the building.
If you insist on gathering meaningless data, here's some for you:
And to help focus the hopelessness of creating a statistical analysis: