Alena Adoy

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since Nov 18, 2016
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Recent posts by Alena Adoy

Rebecca Norman wrote:Where I live, it's just a little bit too cold for grapes, so we grow them in the greenhouses that we have anyway. What climate are you in, and why do grapes need to be housed where you are? Or do you mean trellis (support for vines like grapes)?

hi I'm from Philippines,a tropical country, I need a photo or just relate how trellis can be used for grapes. Thanks
8 years ago
i just planted grapes in a polybag. can someone teach me how to do house for grapes? please show some of pictures of it. and some tips to help it bear fruit.
8 years ago
I am planning officer designated, at the same time I am a Technology Livelihood Education teacher. I want to teach my grade 9 and 10 student to work or to make, cook and sell goods to others. But no idea at all how to start. I want to an efficient and effective teacher at the same to teach students in a canteen experiencing actual and real performance. please do something for it. Thanks
8 years ago
I love bonsai since I was high school. I'm truly madly having it to be my hobby. I am bringing it to my work, since I am a teacher of junior high. A busy day with a tiring after work makes it relieve the way it must be, somehow like my children makes me happy too. But if there is a way to make it bigger before I put it in a nice pot. Please advise me what to do. To make more easy for me to raise them in such a way that I will be bigger in a short period of time.
8 years ago