Jerry Walton

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since Jan 19, 2017
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Albuquerque, NM
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Recent posts by Jerry Walton

Thanks everybody for the suggestions.
8 years ago
So you're saying use Indian rice grass to build up the soil? At least until it has enough organic matter to grow other things?
8 years ago
We don't necessarily have much of a"wet" season here.  We have a less dry season. I'm looking for something I can plant and just let it have the area until next March/April.

If I need a succession of cover crops that would be fine. My plan is to chop and drop and let the roots add biomass.

I'm just not sure what cover crops do well in light shade and sand.  
8 years ago
Hi, I'm pretty new to permaculture, I've read a lot but just bought a house and am getting to put it into practice for the first time. My backyard is completely xeriscaped and  I'm looking for advice on a cover crop mix for pretty much slightly soily sand.  
There is also a tree back there that gives the area some summer shade.
I've been looking at mustard and comfrey because of their huge root systems and mineral mining, but what does well in sand for nitrogen fixation? Succession-cover cropping would be fine, I don't plan on turning the area into my perennial bed until planting time 2018.
Can anyone give me some advice on techniques and plants that would help me?  Thanks
8 years ago