Jeff Ince

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since Jan 23, 2017
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Recent posts by Jeff Ince

I thought I would post an update.   My prosciutto  is coming along really nicely I trimmed them both before covering with pepper and the trimmed peices tasted just like the real thing.  But I could tell it needed a little more drying and aging in order get that deep prosciutto flavor.   I will cut one in a few more months and the other one in 18 months or 2 years.   I f these turn out I will start more next year.  This way I will always have it on hand.
7 years ago
Hi everyone it's Jeff

Just wanted to update you.  I have started the drying process, washed with vinegar dried and trimmed.   My son smelled them and didn't smell any off smell.   The meat is firm to the touch and not slimy at all.  It appears cured on the outside.   But that's my next question.   How can you tell short or cutting it open if it's really cured deep to the bone.   I have pulled about 2 to 3 cups of liquid off each ham.

Thank you.     Jeff

Ps.  I tried to attach a picture of each ham
7 years ago
I was just rendering some lard today the larger the pieces the longer it takes.  I have never tried grinding it it seems like extra work, but I would try it with a small batch to see how well it works.   You probably already know this but it is good start the process with a little water to preventing scorching and of course very low temp.   Just like smoking meat low and slow.

Let me know how it goes.

7 years ago
To Craig

I think this is what you want if this doesn't work then go to YouTube and search how to make prosciutto then look for the video for Melody Kettle.   Sorry I am not good with this tablet and making links between sites.

Hope this helps   Thanks.  Jeff
7 years ago
Mr Murray

Thank you so much for this information I do not want to throw this meat out till I am sure.   That faint smell I was referring to just might be the funk that comes with the process or at least what I was hopping for.   I will try your suggestions, but if the smell is removed can I still start the drying process?   I have been curing them in the bags, changing the bags and resalting draining off liquids every week.  I was following the instructions of gentleman on YouTube who follows this this procedure and seems to be successful in producing a good product.

Thanks Jeff
7 years ago
Mr RedHawks.

Thank you  for the suggestion of diary,  I think I will try it.   I notice in your byline, the words, Tuwa Tokiya Kola Wayelo.   What dose this mean?   Just curious!

7 years ago
I wanted to let you know that I can do some things right.  Out of the same pig I did have some fantastic success I made two boneless picnick hams, brined and smoked yum yum.   Also perfect bacon and liver wurst.  Tomorrow I stuff and smoke summer sausage.

7 years ago
Thank you all very much for taking the Time to help me with my problem with my prosciutto.   I will cry when I throw these beautiful hams away, but I will try again.

Thanks again
Jeff Ince

7 years ago
I live in Iowa our weather is cold under 40' most days. I am curing in my unheated shop.   I started with two Berkshire hams the hog was. 193 lbs so the hams were pretty big.
I started with about a pound of korsher salt and three tablespoons of pink cure per ham.   I then rubbed the salt in covering it completely, placed into a plastic bag.   About a week later resalted the meat and changed the plastic bag.   That's when I noticed the slight smell.

Thanks for your response.             Thank you   Jeff Ince
8 years ago
I am new to this forum, but I have a question about my first atempt at making prosciutto.   It's been about a week since first salted my ham.   But know I notice a slight smell of rotten pork.   Is this normal in the process, or have I messed something up?

Hope you can help me!                  Thanks Jeff
8 years ago