elle sagenev wrote:Akbash are super weird. Our 5 year old akbash is also skittish except to the opposite degree. He won't even take cooked bones from us let alone kill something and eat it. Won't guard anything but won't kill anything. Makes a great family dog, that's it. Ours came from working lines. He's just got issues and they seem to get worse as he gets older. He barks at random things. on and on.
I guess this is my rambling way of saying perhaps your dog has a mental deficiency. Ours seems to. If so, you can't fix that.
Our pyr aren't like that at all.
thomas rubino wrote:Hi Kendra; Welcome to Permies!
I'm not a working dog person, so my opinion on this has a low value.
Hopefully a more experianced LGD person will chime in with a good idea.
You obviously are using your dogs as working dogs and know what your doing.
You have given this dog 2 years to figure it out. His sister grew up just fine.You have worked him with experianced dogs and he still is not getting it.
In my opinion, Sadly he will not make a trust worthy dog to leave with your livestock.
Is it posable to rehome him? Probably not, but I would try.
There could be a calm pet owner out there he might click with. Putting any healthy animal down is a hard decision that sometimes is the only way.
Jay Angler wrote:Welcome to Permies, Kendra! Hopefully someone knowledgeable with your specific question will answer it, but I will tell you that I had a similar issue with my "guardian" goose when Momma Muscovy ducks were being let out for the first time. It was as if Heinrich no longer considered the mom and her babes as part of "his flock" - after all, he hadn't seen them for 8-9 weeks. I solved the problem by making some specific shelters for new moms with hardware cloth at one end right down to the ground, and also having a completely mesh shelter that the moms could move to when they were bigger, but not quite big enough to safely free-range the whole day. Heinrich seemed to get that they were his when he could see them, and the problem disappeared.
Is there any chanced that your problem dog's behavior is a "what's my flock" perspective?
As for the fearful nature, my friend got a standard poodle who'd not been well socialized and was *very* fearful. However, my friend's very patient and although I'd still say he's anxious, he's done well. He now *loves* coming to my farm, which he does if his family's away as he does *not* do car rides at all well, but even then I lock him up if he has to be left alone in the house.