I highly recommend only permanently fencing the perimeter and using temporary electric to slice up the pastures. What you will find is that whatever configuration you use to begin with will have problems and you will need to make changes. Even if it seems you got it near perfect in the beginning, rotational grazing requires constant adjustment based on the growth rate of forage, weather, and the performance of the animals. If you can I would even avoid perm perimeter fencing and run several lines of permanent electric o, the perimeter. The electric will more effectively deter predators than field fence if installed properly. This gives you even more flexibility in configuration because if you need to change it is much less work. You can always put in field fence later once you have the most efficient design worked out.
Another recommendation is to go ahead and spend the money to run pex pipe under ground to your troughs. You will spend less this way long-term. Garden hoses freeze, get chewed into by mice or dogs, or just simply wear out in a few years and good ones are not cheap.