Davin Eberhardt

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since Feb 27, 2017
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Recent posts by Davin Eberhardt

lol Peter, I am the opposite.  As I'm looking for a property of 5-10 acres.  Which PDC's have you done that focused on urban/small holdings?  Locally or online?
7 years ago
I have no idea what size properties everyone has.  There have been a couple people posting pictures of some large properties as well as stating it.  Like this guy "We are a church-based, sustainability training, intentional community, eco-farm on 67.7 acres about 20 miles Northeast of Kansas City, Missouri. "

Pretty amazed at all the interaction and additional info/value you get beyond just learning from Geoff/Bill/David.
7 years ago
Not to hijack your post.  But to those that use coconut oil as a moisturizer... have you used it on your scalp?  I see conflicting info online..
7 years ago
Hello everyone!

I'm excited to join the forum.  Taking Geoff's PDC right now and curious if others in this forum are in the online course?  
7 years ago