Never had an issues like this before. My vege garden's been fine for ages - and getting bigger! - but I've recently noticed some blacvk marks on my potatoes while weeding. At first I just thought it was stubborn dirt, but after poking about a bit and doing some google image searches i came across this page which looks just like it:
The black marks are fairly stubborn, and definitely arent dirt. It's a little too early to tell if any of the other signs have shown up, but I'd rather be safer than sorry. Is this a possibility?
Everything else seems fairly healthy, at least for now. I have had a lot of rain here recently, which my garden isn't really set up to deal with too well at the moment. Could this be the reason? Interested in any thoughts or personal experiences from anyone else who has dealt with this stuff before. Would love to work out what's happening with my potatoes. They're my favourite thing i grow at the moment *homer simpson thinking about food*