Some of my notes from syntropic workshop with ernst götsch
Condencing whater from the atmosphere.
Droughts exists only in your mind. You can use plants to condence whater from the atmosphere. When plants are vigorous they can cool them self below condensation point at night. This meen waterwaper starts condensating on there levels. Dew droplets form and running down the levels where they collected by the rootsystem or just acumylate in soil. Best is you take your flashlight and go outside to nigt. I did this and found a Künigskerze the silvery fluffy leafy of the planet was covered in dew droplets like perls. Sertendli this process would make amazing time-lapse. You will soon learn which plants ore in witch growth state are accaptional water harvester. So does kardus (Dipsacus fullonum) hold water in its cup like leave. Leavs grow oposite each other. On the lower part of the stamm they are fused and form a cup around the stamm. Same is true for silphium perfoliatum. Kale is also a axeptional water colector. But this plant guids the water directly to it's rootsystem and storse it there. Its enough whater to survive a drouts. When you plant a cale next to your treesidling it wil halp establish your trees and help them throug drout.
Vegetatione can be shaped and pruned to encurage the condensation process. When moist air starts cooling and condencing it's volume decres. A faling downward spiral of cooling air es created. Furdar air is drawn towards the plant furder water condencing on the plant.
Multi story planting are effective at this process. Young vegetation is explicitly effective. Old senescencc fegetation has not the ability to cool itself effective it does condensa mutch water.
Some plants are extremely effective in condencing whater sutch as Kale.
You can plant a cabage next to your young tree to water it.
I wonder if you will finde whater flow of the smoot bark of fagus sylvatica. At least wen it rains this tree chanels raindrops down it's stamm, so during rain you will often finde a little creek flowing down it's stam. Maybe dew will also be sufficient to induce waterflow.
To harvest water from the atmosphere two things are key. First fegetation neds to be in the growth state so it can cool it's levels below condensation point during night. This is achieved by regular pruning /topping. Grasses and herbs ned to pe cut bevore seeds ripening ore during flowering. This can also be achieved with rotational grazing. In boat cases, sufficient recovery time is key. When it comes to grazing you should graze only fore one day at the same spot then the animals have to move on. After only three days grasses and herbs will start regrowing. If animals still present they will seek out new growth and crippel the plants ability to regrow. Even a few animals on a large area are sufficient to hindere plants regrow. This is called overgrazing and is very comen on extensive plots. Biomas production will plomit.
When a plot is over grazed plants like stinging nettle hawkweed buttercup and other poison ore thorny species will appear. If you into the toppic of grazing and its postve and negative events on the ökosysteme i recomend the books of allen Savory's and gabe brown.
When you cut grass a clean cut is key to enable fast recovery. brush cutter with strings should be avoided becose thei induce very bad squash woonds on the plant. Whit drasticli decrease the ability to regrow. If you go with a bar mower make sure you don't mow to deep. This can be difficult wenn grass is already laying on the ground to do a clean cutt. Also when you prune trees and hedges a clan cut is key for fast recovery.
The second key factor is the structure of the fegetation. A multi story forest/ forest garden alwos air circulation. When condensation starts at night this will form a Vortex sucking in fresh moist air from above. This downward spiraling of moist air is very sufficient to condencate and harvest water with fegetatio.
If a forest only is made up of one layer are vertical downward air circulation is greatly hindert. A closed canopy layer wit out oter layer of smaller trees and shrubs can encurage horizontal winds blowing through under the canopy and driving out the area. This is the case in plantain forests. It also will increase the risk of wildfires.
On the other hand hilltops can be utilized for dew harvesting. Multi story forest on the top of a hill will be very sufficient at colecting dew. So did our ancestors built dew ponds on the top of hills. This ponds were leyed out with straw then seled with a layer of cley. The straw works as a capillary brake and stops the water from inflation it also keeps the clay in place. Dew ponds are know from irland end even after centuries they still work. With topping/pruning the trees their effective can be increased.
Air well (condenser) are a agient metode to harvest dew. It's basicli a large stone structure built in a way are can circulate and condencate.
Yakhchāl are a other stone structure. This one is used to generate ice in the deserts by utilizing the space colling effect. It's made up of a shallow pond whitch is shaded by a stonwal. This stops it from heating up durring the day. During the clear desert night it radietes out mutch heat that it cools below freezing. The ice is harvest and stored undergroung dome where its used to ceep food fresh.
Waterboox is a dew harvesting device i used to establish tree seedlings. It colects rainwater and dow and release it via a wich directly to the roots of the seedlind. I left one of this waterboxe standing for a few years on a dry hillside. After a wile Binse juncus stardet growing. This plant schows waterloged soils.
But the most efficient means of wather colecting are still multistorry forest and agricultural systems like syntropic agriculture who mimic it. How this works on a continental scale is explained well on the YouTube video "rivers in the sky" by be smart
As ernst götsch says drought exists only in the minde.
To underline this he gave a example of harvesting water in a arid climat.
For this the made a demonstration plot. The area was devidet in 4 by 4m plots on halve of it he planted a multi story succulent planting made up of
mandacaru cactus emergente layer
Pricklypair crown layer and
Sisal-Agave ground layer
This planting was sufficient to harvest water not only for is self but also for the mixed crop in the other 4 by 4m plots.
The mixed grains presistet out of the folowing species. Recinus corn beens and and and.
The yeald of each singel species of crop was greater whats usual in the area. In adition to that Pricklypair fruits can be harvested.
When it comes to treeplantings in a row ernst recomendet the planting of wormwood Artimisia absintum. The plant is toped multible times a year and keept in the vegetatif state. Wen trees become responsible size it's shadet out and disappeares by it self.