Heather Dewey

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since May 07, 2017
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Recent posts by Heather Dewey

J. Adams wrote:

Heather Dewey wrote:Hi I'm a weaver. Recently stared weaving rugs from raw fleece. The fleece is not washed before weaving, just lightly hand carded. Afterwards I wash the rug in a regular washing machine. Thus cuts out so much time! I love the finished product and hope to sell them for a decent price ... inspire more weavers to try it! I got the idea from this Irish woman on utube using fleece from the "milk sheep" up the lane ...

What a great idea, thanks for sharing this! Did you notice if the workability of the unwashed fleece was different, harder, easier to handle?

I think that I was fortunate to have pretty clean fleece to work with. I found it pretty easy and it certainly saved a tun of time not washing it. The light carding took about the same amount of time as the actual weaving. The project took an approximate 20hours.
I'll try  sharing a photo - this site is new to me and figuring it out slowly ;>)
7 years ago
Hi I'm a weaver. Recently stared weaving rugs from raw fleece. The fleece is not washed before weaving, just lightly hand carded. Afterwards I wash the rug in a regular washing machine. Thus cuts out so much time! I love the finished product and hope to sell them for a decent price ... inspire more weavers to try it! I got the idea from this Irish woman on utube using fleece from the "milk sheep" up the lane ...
7 years ago
Hi I'm a weaver. Recently stared weaving rugs from raw fleece. The fleece is not washed before weaving, just lightly hand carded. Afterwards I wash the rug in a regular washing machine. This cuts out so much time! I love the finished product and hope to sell them for a decent price ... inspire more weavers to try it! I got the idea from this Irish woman on utube using fleece from the "milk sheep" up the lane ...
7 years ago