Jayme Paul

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since Jun 07, 2017
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°f we get below zero.  cold weather at times.  the parent cherry is very mature.....so handles the cold well.
7 years ago
thanks for your reply.  i am new to this and i am going from all teading online.  this will be my first attempt. id like to try rooting from cuttings......but we do get winters here that drop below zero at times.   im pretty sure that would kill a very young tree.....thats why i was wondering if growing it indoors for this winter until its bigger for next spring....then plant it outdoors. is that possible??
7 years ago
ive been reading and trying to learn.  id like to ask some questions if anyone is willing to answer.  i have apple and cherry trees on my property.  the cherry tree does have excellent fruit.....so id like to try rooting some cuttings....since i dont have any other trees near to graft to.   1. is it to late in the year to try this.  2. if i am able to try it out.....and it works....can they be kept indoors and growing over the winter....to be planted in the spring? ..... any thoughts.....or advice for me going forward?
7 years ago