Thanks guys.
Honestly, I'd like to avoid a lime plaster if possible.
I just sprayed the walls with a bleach solution and the mold immediately disappeared in most places, except where there was some dark growth.
Next, I intend to re-plaster the remaining walls and ceilings with a commercially produced wallpaper adhesive instead of flour paste, due to the fact that it has a mildew-cide in it. I also intend to add borax to the mix.
I'm not sure in what ratio though as it's been a long time since I've used it in plaster (suggestions welcome). I then intend to paint all the walls with a lime-wash in hopes that it alters the surface pH to be less hospitable to mold and mildew.
The existing recipe is 2 parts fine play sand, 1/3 part 200 mesh silica, 1 part kaolin clay, 1/4 part flour paste, 1/16th part titanium white, and a pinch of control fibers.
thanks again