steven greenwalt

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since Sep 04, 2017
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I want to heat a large tent 20x32.

I understand using any metal short of tungsten for the burn chamber/up pipe will not work long term.

Be able to relocate so heavy bricks are not a solution.
Not looking for super light. (the tent is 700lb)
The tent has lots of ground level access ports so I will want to take the exhaust out of the tent at that level not through the roof.
The tent is double wall and can seal very well will want to feed the heater from an outside pipe.

I have looked at lightweight fire brick and pumice concrete.
Any ideas on what material I can use to for my burn chamber and up pipe?

I am skilled at building all sorts of things I want to build it not buy it.
I have seen dragon heaters' cores I don't see where they would allow for drawing air from an outside source. and I would rather make it myself.  

Once again my big question is what to make the burn chamber and up pipe out of.

Thank you.

7 years ago