john case

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since Sep 10, 2017
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Close to half of your issues would be greatly minimized if you top worked disease resistant scions or buds onto your existing trees.  There are several scab-immune varieties out there that also have good resistance to cedar apple rust and powdery mildew.  This site has great descriptions of a good chunk of the disease resistant varieties out there: Then you can go to the fedco,  burnt ridge, or other websites to buy scion wood for your chosen variety.  It will set you back 2-3 years of production but it would also disrupt the life cycle of a lot of pests and pathogens without fruit to support them.

Are you willing to spray kaolin clay spray onto the apples a few times after petal fall?  It's organic and it's a huge help for codling moth.  I would understand if your not spraying in part because of the hassle factor.

I know absolutely zero when it comes to Japanese beetles.
7 years ago