J Langloi

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since Sep 23, 2017
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Jay, it looks like you are doing a lot of things to keep the tarps in good working order. I have the same complaint and I have taken my tarps out on to the driveway or deck to wash them off, repair and then use automobile convertible dressings to keep them supple, sealed and UV resistant. It has worked pretty well but is labor intensive as I do it twice in the Spring/Summer season when I have time. If you purchase good heavy-duty tarps to begin with, it pays off. I have to do both sides and flip them to keep wear equal on both sides. I also keep the older ones on over the new ones in some cases to prolong the life of the new ones. I hope you can succeed with you plan. Good Luck.
10 months ago
It took me about an hour to figure on how to post, but it is worth the effort. First, welcome Yuri, your very versatile tool is great! I’ve been learning gardening for sixty-odd years, most of them in a very small town in Maine. My dad had a similar tool, I think he purchased at Sears back when the catalog doubled for outhouse reading material. It did have a removable blade for sharpening, but I like your simple and sturdy design better. I am now wrangling weeds in the desert Southwest and this tool will do just that and more. Thanks to your efficiency in design this tool is a gift to us gardeners and weed-fighters. Best Regards
4 years ago