L Munro

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since Feb 12, 2018
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Fedco Seedsis listing Goldini in their 2023 catalogue which went online today.
Not in stock yet, it is only November!
2 years ago
Here an electric tractor - not walk behind though!

And an article about up and coming electric tractors.
3 years ago
Also checkout the Electric Tractor thread on this siteā€¦
3 years ago
Carol now has a 2018 seed catalogue on her webpage.  It includes an explanation of last years difficulties and also a request to contact her again at Caroldeppe@gmail.com if you had cheques cashed but no order received.  If the cheque was not cashed then re-order as the cheque can no longer be cashed anyways.

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:

L Munro wrote:would you recommend we continue waiting for a 2018 seed listing or change plans and make our US orders from one of the other Oregon seed houses who carry some of Carols excellent varieties?

Until further developments, I'd recommend alternate sources. Many of Carol's varieties are carried by growers with the open seed source initiative: http://osseeds.org

Ever so sorry to hear this!  But thank you.

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:I spoke at length with Carol Deppe (rhymes with peppy). She filled me in on the details about what went on last winter leading to the unfilled orders. I don't want to share details publicly, just to say that I'm glad it wasn't me!

Carol had cashed checks that arrived in February, before things fell apart. She  expressed a strong sentiment about making that right with people. Said that she is sorting through the letters and contacting people to make amends. Later arriving checks were not cashed, and the orders also not filled. Of course that created an avalanche of email which made things even worse!

So, Joseph, in absence of a heads up in the news area of Fertile Valleys webpage and since you seem to have some current insight into what is happening with Fertile Valley Seeds would you recommend we continue waiting for a 2018 seed listing or change plans and make our US orders from one of the other Oregon seed houses who carry some of Carols excellent varieties?  Thank you!