Nathan Marquardt

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since Oct 20, 2017
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Recent posts by Nathan Marquardt

good idea, Michelle.  That is most likely what I will end up doing.  Thanks!
6 years ago
Sorry for the late reply.  I thought I had email notifications turned on.  Either I do not or they went to spam.

Okay, so berries are out.  Thank you for helping me decide that. Maybe, I will use it for some perennials like sorrel, mitsuba, lovage, chives, etc.  

Redhawk, I do have a lot of strawberry seeds.  I plan on using them for ground cover in my food forest.

J-  I am going to plant some honeyberries.  I have read they are hardy.  How do they taste?  Correct, no mulch or manure.  I am getting my first chickens in a couple weeks.  I am also getting a dump truck of local leaf compost that I plan on dumping on top as soon as the snow melts.

Thanks for the help.  I feel better about what to plant on it in the spring.
6 years ago
Hey Everyone!

I am a long time reader, slowly starting to post more.  To make a long story short I have been chronically ill for around a decade now, with the worst of it leaving me bedridden and in a wheelchair for nearly 3 years.  Conventional medicine didn't work for me so I had a tiny house built and moved to the middle of nowhere and live in the woods now.  I focused on fresh air and fresh food.  Slowly I have started to regain some energy.  With that energy I am attempting to start a small farm and food forest.  I am documenting my attempt via YouTube if anyone is interested in following along.  While I spend most of my time reading about things relating to permaculture, I am still new to most concepts (2 years).  So, I am always open to feedback.  I know that I don't even know what I don't know haha.

Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself,


6 years ago
I made a HugelKultur in late summer (video below).  I covered if for the winter (zone 4).  I still have not decided waht I want to plant on it.  I have always wanted blackberries but most are only hardy to zone 5.  I found one that claims to be hardy to 3.  Does anyone have any experience growing blackberries in zone 4?  Or with a hugel possibly allowing something to survive in a zone slightly cooler?  I am hoping the hugel may give some additional protection to the root systems.  Thanks!  

7 years ago
Thanks for sharing.  Do you eat them raw?  Or do you dehydrate them?
7 years ago