Kimbery Boice

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since Nov 09, 2017
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Recent posts by Kimbery Boice

Burra Maluca wrote:We had it cut to fit in the alcove in the kitchen window.  I think it cost €60, cut to measure, about five years ago.

Here's a close up - not sure what colour you'd call it but I like it!


Thank you so much. :)

7 years ago

Burra Maluca wrote:I went for local granite.

The house is built out of local stone and it seemed only natural for the worktop to be made out of the most suitable local stone too.  

What color did you choose? Can you share some pics?
7 years ago

Recently, I want to plan to replace my kitchen countertops. I think Quartz countertop looks better. But some friends told me, the granite countertops are more resistant.

So can you help me decide which one should I choose?

7 years ago