Richard Cane

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since Feb 14, 2018
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Recent posts by Richard Cane

I ordered a bucket of Hard White Wheat Berries from Homestead Grist Mill online. Order came to my house in about a week. 30 year bucket (if left unopened I assume). 35 pounds.
I don't yet own a grist mill, that's next. Then learn to grind, and learn to bake.
Good luck, and God bless
3 years ago
Thanks Mike B.
I live in the Northeastern US so don't have much access to an Ardvark, but have been considering the solar oven as an easy way to help dry out the wood and encourage the pests to depart.
6 years ago
Thank you both Anne and Mike.
6 years ago
How do I prevent or eradicate ants from infesting my log pile.
I cut the wood a year ago and stacked behind my garage. Recently found lots of ants and their community of eggs. Also see tiny sawdust piles. Not sure what that is.
I purchased a 'shelterlogic' wood shed in hopes of keeping the wood dry and preventing any infestation, not sure that's enough. I live in NE US, zone 7a.
Any advice would be appreciated.
6 years ago