Kada Ga

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since Jan 07, 2018
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Recent posts by Kada Ga

Definitely good point.  UV breaks down tarps.  We use the black woven AG stuff for 7 to 10 years before replacing in a high UV country.

Also they are thicker and black, kills them faster . But tarps make great temp fixes

The roofing material, is it safe?  Is there anything in there that is leaching?
7 years ago
One other thing I notice a problem with species, such as tamarind in your country, is fungal attack.  We use a lot of similar methods like you, but an abundance of uncomplicated wood will just create a lot of fungal mycelium under the soil .  Truthfully this makes the most amazing soil you will find, but if you are growing trees, be aware they might get attacked and sometimes it's not aparent sometimes for year but in the end there is often huge crop loss and/or death.

If your using wood bits, I would let it all wit and work away for a year or more before growing woody tree species in the tropics
7 years ago
They are prone to fungal attack.  Even the big trees we have in Asia have lots of fungus in them.  So I would worry about wet soil and cold at the same time.  Soils avoiding a lot of composting stuff would be good.  No idea about bonsai, but would be careful and only root prune when growing outdoors under the sun and better air quality/flow

Indoors is a haven for pathogens.
7 years ago