wayne fajkus wrote:Since my deer protected garden has limited space, i often take the spacing and apply it both directions. If its 15" apart in rows 30 " apart i go 15" both ways. This may be the grid you referenced to. Alternating each row at a diagonal can gain a little more breathing room.
Trace Oswald wrote:Hi Meg. Personally, I don't see any drawbacks to planting in a grid. I have planted potatoes pretty much every way you can think of and they all work pretty well. I most often plant them in grids, if I'm understanding you correctly. I plant them in rows, with the next row staggered. I have planted them in raised beds made of various things and then I just kind of stick them in anywhere sort of equally spaced but with no real rhyme or reason. I have planted them in smaller containers that have 3 plants in a triangle. Potatoes are pretty easy. I usually put mine a couple feet or so apart, but it depends on the space I'm planting and how many seed potatoes I have on any given year. The only thing I wouldn't do is put them really close together.
In cases like this I usually advise to do what looks best to you and so best serves your purposes, the human eye is a marvelous judge if we pay attention to what the brain tells us. (I refer to this as the "feels right" scenario).