Joe Stevens

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since Mar 10, 2018
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So I asked my friend...he said it took him work to learn to spell
but your brain can learn, then said this place is the best program
with tools to help...hope this helps some.
1 year ago
I wouldnt sweat it--your post was well-written.
I get a red squiggly line if a word is spelled
incorrectly (usually due to my typing) and then
Right-click for options and select the correct word.
Is this difficult for you--selecting a correct word out of
say 5 options?

Now, I will say, I misspelled well-written above and got
"wellington" as the only option.  So I corrected this but
if I didnt know how to spell, I would right-click and select
Google for spelling options.

I have a friend that is dyslexic and will ask what he uses
and get back if he gets back.
1 year ago
Here's my take on this subject matter...foolish disconnect allows for the wise to flourish IF they bond together!

Generally speaking, those with the biggest hearts have the least amount of power.  However I see a real change
in this millennial culture.  They see the stupid, the waste, the contention...most 25 and under have lived their entire
lives going to school wondering if they will get shot (it is mostly psychological but it really impacts kids...I remember
nuclear war as a threat in high school recall how this impacted my thinking about the future)

Practically speaking, seeking a more minimal and wise lifestyle will draw others and if we can set the template of
sharing with each other opening, lovingly this is something that cannot be denied.  I live in a mountain community now
and neighbors dont know each other, everyone is busy into their own lives and interests...years can go by and if not for
a disaster or emergency, there is no dependency on each other.  Modern times has produced a lack of neighborly vulnerability.

How important to be off grid?  Well, if it is important to you then it is important.  Making decisions for self over fear seems
the best practice.  Preparation and planning is great until it becomes obsessive...and I am back to fear as a motivator over
5 years ago
Your rabbit might hate you but I have not laughed out loud literally in a long time when I got this thread in my inbox!  Thanks...

PS--I rescued a cat and he hated me for months, as in scratch marks all over hate...but in time he has chilled even without
getting snipped.  

May the Bugs be with you...
5 years ago
Chalk this up to electronic communication and its shortcomings...

I disagree with you that earthbag building is only useful for supplemental purposes.
There have been many lovely and comfortable homes built with earthbags; they can resemble
most conventional building styles, so the neighbors should have no basis for complaint.

I do not see this at the Cal Earth site anywhere...maybe I have missed this, but where?
Where are these homes being built and in what states and counties?  I see everything on
the HOW, but not much on the WHERE.  State codes and laws are huge hoops to deal with
and those are in off grid counties like Hesperia which is far from employment unless you
want to work a $10 hr job at the local Subway.  Few options in this location...
6 years ago

I know that in Hesperia, California the CalEarth Institute got code acceptance for several of their designs.  

Thanks retirement and employment I refer to location, if Hesperia, CA allows for earthbag designs, the one has to move to Hesperia and is limited to working from Hesperia which means one would almost need to be retired to live there.  Same with other counties. Agreed earthbag designs as supplemental use is great, but not for home use. Then there are the locals who have traditional housing not usually thrilled their neighbor has a "hobbit home" next door. Just keeping it real.
6 years ago
WOW...this is fabulous!  Welcome Kelly!!!
PLEASE give information on WHERE earthbag building is accepted.
What is the point of learning HOW if there is no opportunity to
*Where in CA can you build?  
*Is this only for a retirement person?
*If location is so limited then jobs are limited.

In other words...great idea, but application seems difficult.

Thank you...
6 years ago
Hi Nancy...
Also interested.  Seems right up my alley.  Lived in Chehalis and Shelton, WA doing much the same. Cared for 10 acre small farm--40 chickens, goats, pigs, dogs, garden, worked all large and small equipment.  Was working overseas as a teacher until my mom passed and life got crazy.  Been in a hold pattern here in CA caring for my dad but my sister has got involved--water & oil, so very interested.  Seeking a opportunity from another member in northern CA which ends mid-May so timing seems ideal.

Cannot find a PM option so contacting in forum.  Do not want to tread on Derek, but just wanted to touch base. 55yo single male, dog rescuer (, drummer, teacher, writer

Joe;  clacura23 (at) yahoo
6 years ago