I came across this thread earlier today at work and found it rather fascinating. Typically we do use a dishwasher, we like to cook, have parties etc. which means that every now and again we use a lot of plates, silverware etc. I (admittedly) hadn't done dishes in several days and they were piled up, and the dishwasher was almost full. So I put what I could in the DW and started it. I did the rest by hand, had dinner, cleared off the dried dishes from the dish drain, and then refilled it with a second load of dishes from dinner. I started the dishwasher about 6:00ish??? and here it is 7:45 and it is still going, meanwhile i've handwashed 2 loads of dishes and the kitchen is now clean. we have a dual basin sink, so dirty dishes went in the soapy dishwater on one side, and placed in the other, then rinsed and put on the drying rack. I think I may be doing dishes by hand more often.
I also like two do living history at my local renaissance festival, where we have two wash buckets back stage for dishes. guess what? there 2 buckets that we fill with cold water, we wash in one, rinse in the other and they get set out to dry. The water gets tossed out the back into the woods and we are done.
I can largely see the advantages to both camps about this.