Kate Downham wrote:I'd say it's happening soon, but a watched goat never seems to kid! There's no danger in just letting her take her time, sometimes they can seem to be taking ages for it to happen, but late births are normal and healthy, and nothing to worry about.
When mine are like that, I try to observe from a distance, keep to normal routines, and be observant if they seem to be telling me something, sometimes I've had goats that want me to be there when they kid, other times they want to go off on their own. Whenever I'm there at the birth I keep enough physical distance to not annoy them, stepping back and keeping quiet if they seem to be stalling. Often it's better to not be there though, they can relax more and follow their instinct, but it varies from goat to goat.
I definitely agree with what R has said above!
r ranson wrote:How are they doing today?