Samantha Buller-Kormos

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since Mar 27, 2018
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Recent posts by Samantha Buller-Kormos

Kate Downham wrote:I'd say it's happening soon, but a watched goat never seems to kid! There's no danger in just letting her take her time, sometimes they can seem to be taking ages for it to happen, but late births are normal and healthy, and nothing to worry about.

When mine are like that, I try to observe from a distance, keep to normal routines, and be observant if they seem to be telling me something, sometimes I've had goats that want me to be there when they kid, other times they want to go off on their own. Whenever I'm there at the birth I keep enough physical distance to not annoy them, stepping back and keeping quiet if they seem to be stalling. Often it's better to not be there though, they can relax more and follow their instinct, but it varies from goat to goat.

I definitely agree with what R has said above!

I totally agree that a watched goat never seems to kid. 🤣

Of the 4 times my goats have given birth on this yard ive only caught 1 and that was when she was RIGHT about to push the baby out.

However this cold... im nervous to let these 2 first timers go on their own because if something goes wrong or we're about to head into one heck of a cold dip... i dont want tiny freezing.
3 years ago

r ranson wrote:How are they doing today?

Well. Things havent changed since I threw them both into birthing stalls.

I'd love to leave them in the shelter with the other gosts however we're about to hit a -30C dip and a winter storm here starting tonight.

Crossing fingers that if this happens it doesnt happen when i'm not watching.
3 years ago
Hoping to pick your brains here for the moment.

I have 2 goats - a 3 year old nubian cross and a year old alpine cross.

Goat 1: Hannah.

Yesterday (friday) morning i noticed she would keep peeing and pooping. Like 2 or 3 times in a row just a few minute apart then she would stretch a few times in a row a few minutes apart.

This continued every hour or so throughout the day. Over the course of 2 nights and this morning
- her belly has continued to droop lower
- tail is open - i cna wrap my fingers around
- back ligaments gone
- baby has moved back
- constant pooping and peeing
- cervical check has been at 1/2 to 1 cm and hasnt moved however it has become stretchier.

Goat 2: Sparky-Ella

I checked the goats last night (saturday) and i noticed sparky was looking kind of off.

We did a quick check on her as i felt she got pregnant round the same time as hannah.

We moved her to the shed and so far has the symptoms:
- belly starting to droop
- white discharge/goopy clear discharge (when palpated)
- no cervix (feeling a squishy buldge)
- 2-3 fingers able to be inserted.
- wont lay down

Based on your experience, what is your thoughts?

Labour happening soon?
Over the next couple days?

Thanks all!
3 years ago
My brother was gifted a calf missing a hoof. It froze off this last winter. Brutal winter.
Are there any good diy's out here for prosthetic legs for this little girl?
3 years ago
Got a new pattern up on my Patreon.

The other day I was making some dragon scale gloves for a friend from a pattern found Here.

Since I love making cute little plant hangers I decided to make a dragon scale inspired plant hanger.

Had to piddle around with it to get it perfect and I finally did it. :)

Best part about this pattern?
You can make a little basket OR a plant hanger from it.
It's dual purpose.

I just posted this plant hanger pattern on my Patreon and I recently signed up to ravelry to start selling my plant hanger patterns as I get better and fancier with them. Makes it available for folks who don't want to support the rest of my blog but would rather just have the pattern and be done with it.

So that will be coming soon.

As a side note I REALLY need to get some more skeins of this red heart stripes colors. I am in LOVE with this planter doing it with this yarn.
3 years ago
Thanks for the support everyone!
3 years ago

Just took this in my yard a couple days ago.
It was breath taking!
3 years ago
Thank you!

I was so nervous I was going to have to intervene in the birth but the birth went fine. Then I was nervous she was going to reject the baby being a young first time mom. But putting her in the porch fixed that. The I was nervous baby wasn't gonna make it being so tiny but she's doing fantastic so far.

And as an added bonus she learned how to nurse with some help now on her own and it's going really well at almost 48 hours.

This is exciting. I'm so proud of these girls!
3 years ago