Øyvind Mathiassen

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since Mar 30, 2018
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I'm about 60° N in Sweden.  It gets cold, so I need to insulate above the logs, I want them visible, or at least some of them.

I'm not good at visualising this stuff, so any input is useful. Looked at a lot of pictures, but hey...still confused.

It's more of the look in this stage. If I use the big logs I will also use them for maximum span in the room, so they will serve a purpose.

Hi all, so I am trying to figure out which logs to use for my small house, and what I shoud start cutting into materials.

Im having a hard time to visualize if some of my logs will be too big, or just look awesome!
Log sizes is about 20-24"
Its not gonna be higher than roughly 10ft or so, and the room will likely be around 5-600sqft.

Any hints and tips will be helpful, before I start cutting!

Hello everyone! So, I dug down about 4 ft of soil before I struck a hard layer of clay yesterday, I'm so thrilled
This means that I hopefully can build my house with this material.
I used a digger, but I quickly discovered that this layer was very hard to dig into ( I used a digger).
I took out a sample, rolled it easily into a thin worm, and it's very sticky.
I tried to do a shake test in a jar, but it's very cold and I had problems with the clay not dissolving very easily,  but I am convinced it's a very high clay percentage in this.

My main question to you, is how do I utilize this the best way? Do I dig it up, use it as plaster as is? It seems very compact, so are there some tricks to make it more workable?  

Thanks for all the input
6 years ago