Ruvim Gul

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since Apr 28, 2018
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C. E. Rice wrote:

Chris Kott wrote:Yes, as mentioned above, if you crush your Himalayan salt lamp and put it in your food, it might be better for you than ionized table salt (unless you lack iodine in your diet).

I have yet to see any convincing evidence that these lamps are anything but a colourful decoration to which some people ascribe magical healing powers in order to sell more.

Just because going into salt mines has been used to treat respiratory ailments doesn't mean that it's possible to replicate that effect in your home with an overpriced bit of hollowed-out rock salt and a light bulb.


well said.

I was happy to read through this thread because I have thought about getting one before.  If I decide to, it will be because it looks good!  (and the aforementioned side effect of being a source of salt if you neglect to restock the pantry in time).

Hello Chris
Agreed but Himalayan salt lamp much like a lit candle and these lamps can be relaxing to look at. If you find the light soothing or enjoy its style, there is no harm in adding one of these salt lamp to your home.
6 years ago
There are many awesome health benefits of Himalayan salt. It helps improve respiratory problems, balance our body’s pH level, natural digestion, purify air & aid sleeping disorder.
6 years ago