we are in Thailand. Hot & humid. coming from a cool northern europe country, we haveto cope with heat differently then the locals.
We eat (big dinner) after dark because digestion takes a lot of energy. When we eat, it is small portions. As mentioned before, some foods result in cooler body (try ginger in the heat
Also use the siesta in the hot hours. heavy work always done in early morning hours.
aircon for solar note:
the compressor in the aircon is an AC motor. these motors need a huge start current. often more than double the current after the start. If you know an engineer or have the skills yourself, you might combine your solarpanels with supercapacitors and save a lot on the normally required solarpanels(surface). the supercapacitors deliver the start-power, while the solarpanels give the (lower) current for running. This appllies to a none-battery setup.