Hey Kostas,
I saw your videos from the post from a couple of days ago about harvesting and storing acorns.
What oak was that you harvested? I do not recognize it.
Can you explain in a little more detail when and how to harves the oaks/acorns?
They still look very green. Do you only pick the off the ground, or take them from the tree also?
Last year I waited until a little later when they already turned brown-ish but had very low germination rates.
When picking them green like that there is probably a lot less weavils boring in them and much more will be good to plant.
What I do is go out and spread a large net under the tree and then carefuly whack the tree branches and many acorns fall in the net.
I harvested some 6500 acorns in only an hour or 3. But I am not sure this is the best way to go.
I should mention this is Quercus Ilex (holm oak) I am talking about.
I usually try to plant them shortly after collecting them. I use a small pick axe with round point to make a hole and stick the acorn in.
Do you think this is a good way? Or is it better to store the acorns for a while and then plant them out?
The last years some animal has become very good at finding my seedings and goes from acorn to acorn and steals them all. This is very interesting since it does not steal the acorns lying close to my plantings under other oak bushes (kermes oak). All I find is rows of holes where the acorns where planted.
We also have alot (more even) Quercus Coccifera (kermes oak) which I will start planting this year to get my seeding count up, I aim at 20,000 a year but usually end up around ~12,000.
Before I forget, I learned about these oak growers in north-east Spain
found them in a little intersting book/article about edible oaks written by Eric Toensmeier - he status of oak breeding and domestication as food for people and livestock In South Korea, Spain, and the United States.
Keep it up