dirk tanner

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since Jun 06, 2018
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Kenai Peninsula Alaska, Zone 4b
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Recent posts by dirk tanner

very interesting!  Thank you for the videos Jack!
6 years ago
I'm in Alaska hoping to successfully create an earthbag floor/foundation for a couple room additions to our yurt (to build on using cordwood construction).  What materials would be best to keep the floor as cozy as possible?  Should I lay several inches of foam board down somewhere in the stack?  build an insulated wood floor on top of the uppermost earthbag?  Incorporate some type of insulation into the earth bag?  

Some concerns are: insulation degradation over time, humidity and moisture control in winter/ventilation, warmth, compatibility in being build next to a yurt whose platform is on pier blocks.  I'm building on ground level on top of gravel, so frost heaving isn't really a major concern I don't think.  What are your thoughts?  Thank you in advance!
6 years ago

Daron Williams wrote:

dirk tanner wrote:I just found this in my email...I know, a couple days late.  Looks like it's closed.  Is there any way to join in still?

The kickstarter is now closed but the pre-sell is up for the HD Streaming version of the DVD. You can purchase it now and have access when it is up likely sometime in September. Here is a link to it: Rocket Oven Documentary

Thank you Daron!  I bought it.
6 years ago
I just found this in my email...I know, a couple days late.  Looks like it's closed.  Is there any way to join in still?
6 years ago