Tia Jolie Phillips

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since Jun 13, 2018
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Huxley Harter wrote:Apparently there are a few outbreaks of a new coronavirus, what herbs can help one prevent and treat it?

Viruses are pathogenic to humans only to the degree the human host is immunocompromised.  Corona may be more prolific with more acute symptoms, but it is still a virus and will behave as such.

Most of our bodies' immune activity is just behind the lining of our digestive systems' walls.  Viable mucosa is important, so if you do not keep yourself hydrated with clean, chemical-free water, you are behind the curve on defending yourself.  Organic sulfur has a unique and beneficial relationship with our bodies' water, so on-boarding cruciferous veggies (rich in sulforaphane) grown in a healthy soil is a good start.  Honestly, I do that, but I still have my family supplementing with a very clean source of organic sulfur.  It's that important.

Strong gut defenses are also related to maintaining the proper microflora in your gut.  We feed ourselves with real food from the garden, but we also feed favorable bacteria and fungus every day with the "insoluble" plant fibers.  The metabolic waste (poop) from those bacteria produce compounds like butyrate which helps maintain GI integrity and function, precluding perforations and malfunctions of the gut defenses.  (I have never recommended supplementing for butyrate, though.)

Naturally-sourced vitamin C--and lots of it every day--is critical for both health and beauty. The US RDA is a joke.  I take 5,000 mg daily and when I feel myself getting a bit run down or maybe getting sick, I ramp that up, sometimes even doubling it.  Shy of buying C60 (cleanly-sourced and nano-tech produced Carbon-60 is a very powerful anti-oxidant, up to 120x more powerful than vitamin C), Vitamin C is still the most cost-effective way to keep healthy.  Humans and guinea pigs are the only two mammals that have outsourced the aggregation of Vitamin C.  We do not produce our own,  so it's critical to get it from Nature.  Vitamin D is also critical to protect against viral attacks.  Your body produces it when you are in the direct sun as long as you have the requisite minerals and other building blocks--notably cleanly-sourced magnesium and cholesterol--on board.

There's many other things you can do to shore up your body's defenses, but these should get you moving in the right direction.  

Peace to you.    
4 years ago