Ryan Koch

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since Jul 21, 2018
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If you have access to heavy equipment like I do, and a paved road; you could use a smooth drum packer to crush it down.

Then just sweep and shovel it up into a container.

For a large amount of biochar, it may be worth it and would take no time at all to crush it.

I'll try it one of these days, when I make myself some biochar.
6 years ago
I only have holes on my lid, I dont bother with side or bottom holes in my plastic bins. I dont overload the system, just roughly add in what I think the worms may weigh (+/-) a bit.

I went from 1 bin to 4 bins, I give away a couple bins every now and then.

Works for me. My worms are in rubbermaid boxes, forget what size. Rough a foot wide by maybe 1.5 or 2 feet long.

Never had any sort of liquid in my bins.
6 years ago
I live in zone2b (subarctic) and all we have is nightcrawlers. My grandpa used to throw his left over bait into his garden beds, that's where I find many of them.

I started vermicomposting last year around this time, with a bin of worms to foster. I'm now up to 3 bins after giving away a few bins full of worms and their castings to others.

I keep mine in my basement to compost for me year round.

Out of everyone who got a free worm bin from the school to foster, mine is the only survivor and is thriving.

You could build an outdoor bin, but would have to insulate it well, if you get a lot of snow like we do and -50c, I would just keep them indoors.

I want to start up a worm composting facility here. Get paid to take people's food "trash" and make it into a great product for them to use in their gardens.
6 years ago
Kill the squirrels and then eat the squirrels.

We don't waste meat where I live. We have no farmlands besides our yards.

If you don't want to kill and eat them, live with them and the damage they can cause? I don't know.
6 years ago