Laura Fox

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since Jul 25, 2018
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Hello there! How do you do?
I'll introduce myself to you.
My name is Laura. What is yours?
My heart is in the great outdoors!
I love the spirits of the wild,
The roots of trees, the 'possum child.
I love the wind, I love the sky,
I love the sparrow flying by,
I love the honeysuckle vine.
All nature is God's holy shrine.
I meet Him there; He smiles at me
From every branch of every tree.
I listen always for His call.
I love Him most, oh, most of all!
For He is good! He teaches me
To love yet more, and joyful be.
I love to grow and watch things grow.
(We must have patience; change is slow.)
I love new birth, I love first breath,
And I have learned to fear not death.
For death is precious, as is birth,
All parts of life on God's good Earth.
And from this Earth beneath our feet
I like to bring good things to eat!
For soil and plant and animal
And human body, mind, and soul,
Are all close-bound in seamless weave.
If only one small thread we thieve,
We've marred the whole, and robbed a part,
However small, of our own heart.
These missing threads I deeply feel.
These wounds are wounds I long to heal,
And I have hope - in God above,
And knowledge, given by His love.
I love to cuddle up in nooks
And read a lot of good, old books!
Though one may say old books have flaws,
The old ones are the best, because
They are so different from ourselves;
More so than books on newer shelves.
They open eyes, expand the mind,
And show old treasures we can find.
I love all cuddly things with fur.
I play the mountain dulcimer.
I love to learn about everything!
I love to laugh and pray and sing!
I love to climb the mountains high.
In little planes I love to fly.
I love big goats with beards and horns,
And little goats, and unicorns.
My Myer's-Briggs personality
Is the Dreamer: INFP.
I'm a little saucy, a little sweet...
I am so glad that we can meet!
Now, tell me, who and how are you?
What are some things YOU like to do?

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Eastern Shore of Maryland
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Recent posts by Laura Fox

The position is filled. If you might be interested in this opportunity when our current helper moves on (possibly after 1-3 years) then please do message me and I will contact you if/when we have space available.
4 months ago
We are a young family of 6 in the process of building our sustainable dream farm. On our 4.25 acres we have a garden, orchard, goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, a dog, cats, and an old farmhouse.
We'd like part-time, year-round help around the farm and house in exchange for your own room (with its own entrance and half-bath) and healthy meals. Depending on how much work you want to do, we are open to paying you an additional wage.
If you have a family and/or well-behaved pets, they are welcome.
If you'd like your own space for a garden and/or livestock, that can also be arranged.
Absolutely no cigarette smoking or vaping, no junk food, no foul language allowed. (Moderate, legal use of marijuana is OK as long as it's done away from the kids).
We are very laid-back and flexible about which tasks and hours you'd like to work. And if we like you, you can stay as long as the arrangement works out for all parties.
Comment or send me a message if you are interested!
6 months ago
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of American scythes! I've only used one once, and that was an antique one with a heavy blade (similar to the one in the video). It did not wield well. I'd love to try a good one.
2 years ago
Plus a bonus at the end: a lullaby I wrote just for mowing while carrying a baby on your back!

I was hoping just pasting the link would auto embed the video, but it didn't.

See more at
2 years ago
Thanks for the ideas everyone!

I think we'll try a few things with small outbuildings, and then we'll decide which we like best for a house.

We are slowly hand-digging a pond, so I think we'll start by mounding the dirt, letting it settle, and building a cob or balecob greenhouse on top.

Then, I'd like to put up a small straw bale barn on stilts for the animals.

Two more brainstorm ideas I had:

1. Stack urbanite to make a sturdy, high foundation. Drawback is that urbanite is laborious to work with. To raise the walls above any chance of flooding would be prohibitively difficult.

2. Build the lower storey of stone, and the upper of balecob. Drawback is that stone is not naturally occurring in this area, so it would be expensive and laborious to source and transport.
2 years ago
I blog regularly, and I'd love to share some of my posts on this site. Would it be better to post them as topics in the appropriate forums? Or is there a place where I can share links to the posts?
3 years ago
Currently we live in an old, drafty farmhouse on the 100-year flood plain of the Wicomico River.

1. Is it possible to build an energy efficient house on a flood plain?

2. If so, what is the best kind of house and what are some design guidelines?

3. If not, what alternatives do we have?
3 years ago
The Cob Cottage Company uses urbanite in their buildings. They build on a rubble trench.
In the workshop I attended, they also taught me that, as a monolithic material, a cob wall supports a dry urbanite foundation as much as the foundation supports the cob.
3 years ago
@Annie M., thanks for the welcome and I certainly will!

@Annie C., I wrote it.

@Matthew, great to meet you!
3 years ago
A few years ago I made an introductory post:

And then I disappeared.

I moved from Alabama to Maryland, married a hippie farmer, and now have a farm and 3 children!

Our farm is called Fox's Eden. We maintain a Wordpress blog by that same title, where we share words of humor, hope, and healing. <3

In addition, I've attended a cob workshop at the Cob Cottage Company in Oregon and I'm still obsessed with cob building...but unfortunately, our farm is in a flood plain!

We're active in a local green community/farmer's market, known as Coops to Co-Ops. It's SUCH a cool place: zen, inclusive, and healing.

I'm hoping to be more active here and connect with other permies on the Eastern Shore. I'm super interested in building local community, taking care of the earth, and inspiring all to be vibrantly healthy in body, mind, and spirit!
3 years ago