Jeff Geoghan

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since Sep 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Jeff Geoghan

Oh, I forgot the seed issue:

After researching on lots of sites I came to the conclusion that I would go with a mix, predominantly perennial ryegrass.  I bought 20 lbs of Agways Fall Seed Mix which is approx. 75% perennial ryegrass of 3 different varieties, and 25% KB.

18 years ago
Paul Jenny - thanks for the welcome - I admit to being intimdated but will give it a go!

Paul Wheaton - here is Yellow Nutsedge:
Apparently it's very hard to get rid of.  I've been pulling it out and have gotten about halfway through the mess, but I suspect the roots I missed will return once I seed and water the area.  Of course it's right in my front yard by the driveway.  I hate to think about it but roundup may still be a need.

I found Alfalfa Meal for 20 cents per pound at an area feed mill.  I also stopped at Agway and found that they have a Ringer knockoff which is an organic 8-2-4.  Also, they had Milorganite 6-2-0 and something called Espoma Organic Lawn Food 18-8-6.  I bought the Espoma because of the higher Nitrogen (supposedly from organic sources).

My plan is to
1) Mow the lawn extremely low.
2) Rough up as much as much of the 6500 sk as possible using a trusty metal rake and dethatching rake.
3) Lay down the Alfalfa Meal using an Earthway spreader my neighbor has.
4) Hand seed the entire area or use the Earthway (lazy)
5) Spread the 18-8-6 fertilizer to get the quick N fix for the existing grass.
6) Water (if it doesn't rain)

How does this sound?
18 years ago
Thanks for the info.  My wife and I have made the decision to go organic for over a year in our gardening, with good results.  We have now decided to expand that to the lawn, which is a bit scary because we live on a street where everyone's lawn looks good and there is some (male) pressure to bring my lawn up to snuff...but I'll forge ahead.

I think I'll go with the Ringer, regardless of the nitrate issue, for this rehab project.  HD and Lowes do not carry it here, I've discovered.  Will have to check the farm stores - Lancaster is farm country so I'm hopeful.

My front yard has developed a few large patches of Yellow Nutsedge, which we've been pulling out by the hundreds this week in anticipation of seeding.

1) Do you have any thoughts on the nutsedge removal?
2) You didn't mention the slice seed option in your first post - did you mean to say that you would rough up and hand-seed the entire lawn?

Thanks for your advice, I'm in new waters without my chemicals...
18 years ago
Hello Paul, I just finised reading through most everything in this thread and doing side searches on the various products discussed.  I live in Lancaster County, in SE Pennsylvania - not sure of the zone.  I have been cutting my grass very low (SLAP SLAP) and that's probably a big piece of why my yard is about 1/4 dead this Sept. and 1/4 weeds.  I will begin high mowing immediately. 

1)I'm thinking I need to put down some fertilizer but can't seem to get a read on the best course of action - several products have been mentioned.  What's your take on this? 
2) Also, I'm going to need to seed several large patches of dead grass that developed/are developing around the yard.  I've been advised to "slice seed" the whole yard in 2 directions to get things uniform again.  Big $ though.  Should I just rough up the dead regions and spot seed, or rent a slice seeder and do the whole 6,500 sf at one time?

Thanks for your input,
Jeff Geoghan
18 years ago