Bryan Williams

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since Aug 13, 2018
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Briannon English wrote:Greetings!

I’m looking for likeminded people to share my home with.

First, the living situation: I own a 9 acre farm in South East/Mid- Michigan. It’s a brand new (to me) piece of property with insane amounts of potential. I want to do it all, but I absolutely cannot do it alone.
I have a number of open rooms I would love to fill with amazing housemates who share a passion for creating something beautiful in this world.

Next, who I am:  I’m Bri, a 32 year old free thinking, earth worshiping, lover of all things. I should also add that I am a mother of 2 small humans. I am a firm believe in love without boundaries. I
I’m looking for community, a tribe, people with whom to be vulnerable, intentional, productive, communicative, loving. I want friends who connect on an emotional, intellectual, maybe even spiritual level.

Off of my farm I am an educated professional with a job at an Art Museum that I love. Part of what I love about my work is the flexibility I have in my schedule to pursue other things that I am passionate about.

I would love to start a conversation with anyone who has an interest in a home/farm mate situation like this!

6 years ago