Darek Oktaba

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since Sep 11, 2018
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Recent posts by Darek Oktaba

James Whitelaw wrote:Make sure to check out Landwatch. You can narrow down by area, county, price, type etc.

Good luck!

Thanks again! ;)
6 years ago

Nina Ruley wrote:Hi Darek,
After many years of research I recently made my high desert land purchase in New Mexico. It is 20 minutes outside of Deming, NM with amazing views. I purchased the land from https://www.landio.com check out the available properties and the other client testimonial. There aren't a lot of listings, they are very selective about what they sell. Hope that helps. I am deep into planning my permie design for the land.

6 years ago
Is this thread still open? My wife and I want to move to high desert NM within a year... Random internet ads for land sale don't earn my trust... Any hints how to start?
6 years ago