Paula Hunt

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since Sep 14, 2020
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Those look so painful.  Why don't  you think about Crosnes? Also known as Japanese artichoke or "Stachys affinis". It is an understory root plant, it is in the mint family so spreads REALLY easy. LOL.  It is good in stir fry and salads. And as an added plus, it won't scar/sting you.
3 years ago
Never any guarantees. Plant in containers if worried. I have 6 or seven types of mint. I keep them in different areas. Planting varieties too close can change them and they can cross. Changes their flavor. They will spread, and escape their beds. I don't mind. My lawn has chocolate mint in some areas, and beautiful patch of great pineapple mint near the septic. I like it wild and variable.. I love to mow. The smell is heavenly.. The only mint I cannot seem to grow is spearmint. Planted in 5 different dies on me in sun or part shade. I have plenty of rain in south Mississippi. I keep trying. I love a challenge.😊