steve adams

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since Dec 13, 2009
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i've been saving my leaves and grass clippings for 10yrs in a ravine behind my house.i put some on my garden(it really works good) but i saw on tv where they took compost and lidquidfied it and sprayed it on their lawns instead of commercial fertilizer.can you tell me how it's done and approx. cost. my cured compost pile is 3ft deep by8ft wide and15ft long. is that enough to get started?
15 years ago

Joel Hollingsworth wrote:
Your own compost could definitely help your lawn.

Could you be more specific as to what you mean by "make...fertilizer out of...compost"? I could see your question being the sort that Bird answered above, or a question about how to produce finished compost of the sort that can be spread directly on a lawn, or a different question entirely.

I've seen "compost" in some sources being used to mean raw waste that has not decomposed, while other sources use that word to mean only the completely finished humus that has been sifted from an old compost pile, and still others seem to use it to mean the substance that makes up a pile during the decomposition process. Most seem to use the term for some combination of these three meanings.

  i have been saving all my leaves and grass clippings in a revine behind my house for 10 yrs now. i put some on my garden(it really works good) but i saw on tv where you can lidquidfy it some way and spray it on your lawn instead of commercial fertalizers
15 years ago

Joel Hollingsworth wrote:
Your own compost could definitely help your lawn.

Could you be more specific as to what you mean by "make...fertilizer out of...compost"? I could see your question being the sort that Bird answered above, or a question about how to produce finished compost of the sort that can be spread directly on a lawn, or a different question entirely.

I've seen "compost" in some sources being used to mean raw waste that has not decomposed, while other sources use that word to mean only the completely finished humus that has been sifted from an old compost pile, and still others seem to use it to mean the substance that makes up a pile during the decomposition process. Most seem to use the term for some combination of these three meanings.

15 years ago
i have about 1/2 of an  acre of lawn and would like to know if i can make my own fertilizer out of my own compost and how.
15 years ago
is there a way i can make my own fertilizer out of my own compost?
15 years ago