Da Bearded1 wrote:Cider Press !! Actually the grinder that is used to crush the apples prior to pressing.
Dave Wise, DaBearded1
I’m ordering the Maximizer apple grinder as we speak, for exactly this purpose!
I’m going to grind my kitchen scraps along with dry straw and/or leaves. 🙂
I live in mostly hot and dry Albuquerque, and a local commercial composter once recommended to me that I grind up my straw before using it for vermiculture, as it will absorb moisture better and not dry out as quickly. I extended that idea to everything else that goes into my compost pile, except manure.
As long as I use enough straw and/or leaves to absorb and push through the sludgy stuff, I think it should work pretty well for keeping my compost pile nice and moist!
Also, I live in a tiny place with a tiny yard. Minimizing the size of my compost pile is important for me.
That’s the theory here, anyway! I’ll keep y’all posted as to how this goes. Eventual plan is to make it pedal-powered, but one step at a time, as they say.